Civic Beauty Ranking Test - Submit
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The next few questions are based on what researchers call the "Big Five" personality types. Please characterize yourself by clicking on a bubble somewhere between the left side and right side of the spectrum. Describe yourself as you honestly see yourself, especially in relation to other people you know of the same sex as you are and roughly your same age.
I have a rich vocabulary.
I spend time reflecting on things.
I am full of ideas.
I am not interested in abstractions.
I do not have a vivid imagination.
I am not fascinated by novelties.
I am always prepared.
I get chores done right away.
I am exacting in my work.
I leave my belongings lying around.
I don’t mind procrastinating.
I do not always pursue the decisions I've made through to the end.
I am the life of the party.
I don't mind being the center of attention.
I am an active and vigorous person.
I think a lot before I speak or act.
I don't like to draw attention to myself.
I am quiet around strangers.
I make people feel at ease.
I have a soft heart and take time out for others.
I feel others emotions
I am not particularly interested in other people.
I feel little concern for other people's problems.
I sometimes want to insult others.
I change my mood a lot.
I get irritated easily.
I frequently get stressed out.
I am relaxed most of the time.
I seldom feel blue.
Usually I don't lose my calm.
Click the Submit button to see your test results, and use your results when visiting the 25 cities at this website.